Transparency Act

Sea Tank Chartering AS is committed to carry out diligence in accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act and the OSED Guidelines for multinational Enterprises.

Sea Tank Chartering AS aims to be open and transparent about how we conduct due diligence and promote respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
As an organisation we reject modern slavery in all its forms (including human trafficking, forced or compulsory labour, child labour, debt bondage, work under threat of punishment and other forms of human exploitation) and are committed to maintain and develop further appropriate safeguards against the mistreatment of persons within our business and supply chain. Our
intention is to keep our supply chain transparent. We aim to ensure that our suppliers are contractually obliged to manage such risks and that we conduct regular as well as upon request internal audits of our suppliers in pursuit of this objective.

About Sea Tank Chartering AS:
Sea Tank Chartering AS is a tanker chartering company established in Bergen 1st August 2006. The company is performing all chartering and operational activities for 15 -20 small tankers up to 6 500 dwt. These vessels are mainly traded in, but not limited to, Northern Europe, Baltic, and Norwegian Coast. Vessels are engaged in transportation of chemicals, vegetable oils, marine oils
and other feed / food related cargoes.

Sea Tank Chartering’s core business is chartering & operation of tanker vessels.
The company Sea Tank Chartering AS has a team comprises a head count of 17 individuals working together to realize our company mission. Our people are employed in chartering, operations, accounting, technical and quality.

The company holds accreditation in accordance with following Standards;
Quality ISO 9001:2015 revision body DNV
Environment ISO14001:2015 revision body DNV
Feed Safety GMP+ B4 2010 revision body SGS, Poland / GMP Netherlands

and in compliance with following standards:

Risk Management ISO 31000:2018 Compliance
Social Responsibility ISO 26000:2020 Compliance

Diligence assessments in the Transparency Act are a key concept. These can be extensive. The purpose of the Act is to promote our company’s respect for human rights and decent working conditions. The Transparency Act is also intended to promote company’s transparency and work with these. It includes information on how the company handles negative consequences for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. As an interested part you will, among other things discover that Sea Tank Chartering AS has:

1. Full overview of our suppliers
2. Has Identified negative conditions – both actual and potential
3. Assessed the risk and severity of each condition
4. Described measures taken to stop, prevent or limit negative conditions
5. Have ability to follow up and prove implementation of the measures
6. Able to describe the results of the measures
7. Having in place a system for regular reviews of conditions and measures
8. Create an account of the company’s work
9. Give your audience access to information about all of this – when they request it

Anyone who would like information about our compliance with the Transparency Act,
please contact:

Mr. Jon Sandnes Husabø
☏ : +47 55 30 64 68
☏ : +47 408 85 493
✉ :

Sea Tank Chartering AS may refuse requests for information in accordance with section 6 of the Transparency Act. For inquiries that meet the right to information, a written response will be prepared within 3 weeks of receiving the inquiry.
To learn more about Transparency Act, click here

Our process for due diligence is based on OECD Due Diligence Guidance for responsible business conduct and in compliance with ISO 31000:2018 & ISO 26000:2020

Step 1: Top line risk evaluation
We are evaluating our suppliers on management level to evaluate whether we see a risk of negative impacts to basic human rights and decent working conditions. We do evaluate the risks based on criteria’s such as country of operations, industry and yearly procurement spend. If we do not see any risk with the supplier, the evaluation will stop at this point in the process.

Step 2: Detailed risk evaluation
If we do see a risk in Step 1, we need to do a more detailed risk evaluation in Step 2. We will evaluate the findings in Step 1 against Sea Tank Chartering’s knowledge about the supplier. If this is not sufficient, information and documentation will be collected from the supplier to make a full evaluation. If we then don’t see any risk with the supplier, the evaluation will stop at this point
in the process. If the supplier is not able to satisfy the evaluation requirements of Sea Tank Chartering AS then we will proceed to the next step in the process.

Step 3: Create action plan and Step 4: Implement Actions
In these steps we will use the findings from Step 2 to create and implement an action plan to mitigate the risks identified. If necessary, external support will be involved in this step.

Step 5: Evaluate lessons learned
In this step we evaluate the learnings from the process and the action taken. In this step we will confirm that the actions have resolved the identified risks and the negative impact has been reduced. Lessons learned in this step will be implemented to future evaluations

Anyone who would like information about our compliance with the Transparency Act, please contact:

Mr. Jon Sandnes Husabø
☏ : +47 55 30 64 68
☏ : +47 408 85 493
✉ :


Sea Tank Chartering AS
Skuteviksboder 22


Åpenhetsloven STC rapport 2023

Sea Tank Chartering AS
Skuteviksboder 22

Transparency Act

Sea Tank Chartering AS is committed to carry out diligence in accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act.

Transparency Act

Sea Tank Chartering AS
Skuteviksboder 22

Transparency Act

Sea Tank Chartering AS is committed to carry out diligence in accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act.

Transparency Act